Joy Bryant Hall

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Please see Google Classroom for daily assignments
These assignments are subject to change
(Students enrolled in Spanish 4 will follow the assignments posted to google classroom at their own pace.)

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Spanish Syllabus

Mrs. Joy Bryant Hall

Email [email protected]

Phone: (276) 835-1600 

Planning Period: 4th block (1:25-3:00 PM)

Room: A310

Course Overview

Students will gain a greater knowledge of the Spanish Language and the culture of the Spanish-speaking world. Skills such as speaking, reading, listening, and writing related to learning a new language should also improve. To be enrolled in Spanish 2, students MUST PASS Spanish 1. To be enrolled in Spanish 3, students MUST PASS Spanish 2. Students should expect:

  • “Written” homework assignments on a regular basis

  • Group and individual discussions, writing assignments, conversations, etc. 

  • Quizzes over material covered during the week

  • Writing/Listening/Speaking tests after the completion of each chapter

  • Online activities both in class and at home


All students are expected to bring the following to class each day:

  • CHARGED Chromebook/laptop (A headset with built in mic is recommended for possible virtual learning days)

  • 3-ring binder (1 1/2”) with loose-leaf paper. This will be used to write down notes, print and keep assignments once completed, and for any other notes or handouts.


  • Completed homework when assigned

If any other supplies may be needed the students will be given advanced notice, or the supplies will be provided by the teacher.

Grades/Assessment (The grading scale can be found in the student handbook.)

  • Written assignments: 15%

  • Listening activities: 10%

  • Quizzes: 25% 

  • Tests: 30%    

  • Quizlet: 20%

  1. Written assignments: All “written” assignments will be started in class through Google Classroom. However, if the assignment is not completed before the end of the class period it will be assigned as “homework,” and will be due the following class period unless otherwise stated. These assignments will be graded based on effort and completion. If the assignment is complete the student will receive 100%, if ¾ of the assignment is completed the student will receive 75% if half of the assignment is completed or less the student will receive 50%.These assignments MUST BE COMPLETED AND TURNED IN ON GOOGLE CLASSROOM BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF THE FOLLOWING CLASS PERIOD OR THEY WILL BE CONSIDERED LATE.  If for any reason, a student does not have his or her work on the designated due date, they will have 5 school days to turn in the missing assignment, with penalization. Extenuating circumstances will also be considered in a waiver of the consequences if the student provides documentation (doctor’s excuse, note from home, etc.). Consequences for late work are as follows:

    1. Warning, no points deducted 

    2. 5-point deduction for each day late

    3. 5-point deduction for each day late, parental contact

    4. 10-point deduction for each day late, parental contact

    5. 10-point deduction for each day late, parental contact, office referral

Written assignments count for 15% of the final average.

  1. Quizzes and Tests: Quizzes and tests will be administered after the material has been presented and students have been given the opportunity to practice the material. Advance notice will be given before a quiz or test. All tests and quizzes will be administered using Google Forms. Students are expected to adhere to a class honor policy stating that they will not open any other tabs, browsers, online dictionaries, online translation services, etc. or use notes while taking the quiz/test. Students will be expected to “sign” their quiz or test in the spaces provided stating that they have adhered to this policy after each quiz/test. Retakes of quizzes will be allowed on a case by case basis. ALL TEST GRADES WILL BE FINAL. NO RETAKES. Quizzes count for 25% of the final average. Tests count for 30% of the final average.

    1. Honor policy: As a student of Mrs. Hall’s Spanish class, I believe honesty and integrity are fundamental to my learning.  As a student, I will represent myself truthfully, claim only work that is my own, and engage honestly in all academic assignments. I have not utilized any outside resources such as online dictionaries, online translation services, vocabulary lists, or my written notes to complete this assignment. The answers provided reflect my knowledge only. I am committed to upholding this honor policy.

  1. Listening activities: Listening activities will be conducted during the class period. These activities will provide an opportunity for students to hear various speakers and improve listening comprehension skills, which will help prepare students for the listening section of the chapter test. Listening activities count for 10% of the final average.

  1. Quizlet: Students will be required to use quizlet for vocabulary practice. Quizlet is an online learning platform with many ways to study various material. Each student will be expected to set up a free account in order to be added to an online “class” and have access to the assigned material. Students will be required to complete the “LEARN” section for each chapter by reaching 100% and complete the “TEST” section with a score of 70 or better before the designated date. The other study aids, such as flashcards, spell, write, etc. can serve as extra study aids, but will not be required as part of the assignment. This will be due by a designated date by the day of the chapter test. At the beginning of each class period, time will be allotted to work on these activities while attendance is taken, students are logging on to Google Classroom, etc. These activities may be completed on a computer from the Quizlet website, or using the app.  Quizlet activities will count for 20% of the final average.

  1. Make up work: All students are responsible for making up any work missed within 5 days upon returning to school. This includes tests and quizzes. It is the student’s responsibility to make up any missing tests or quizzes. Any work assigned before the absence is due upon returning to class. If these assignments are not turned in when returning, the work will be considered late and the policy mentioned above concerning late work will be implemented. In the event that the work is not made up within a 5 day period, the student will receive a zero for any missing assignments. If there are extenuating circumstances, such as a lengthy hospitalization, an extension of the 5-day make-up period may be made at the discretion of the teacher and documentation of the reason for the absence is preferred.

Rules and Expectations:

  1. No bullying, name-calling, teasing, fighting, or harming another student. Breaking this rule can result in immediate referral to the office for disciplinary action. 

  1. Arrive to class prepared and ready to learn. This includes pencils, notebooks, CHARGED Chromebooks/laptops, or any item specified by the teacher. Sleeping/laying heads down, etc. will not be tolerated.

  2. CELL PHONES or any other electronic devices are prohibited while in class, Cell phones/MP3/iPods, etc. are to be stored in the designated area of the classroom, unless there is a use for these devices during the lesson. These devices must be stored in the designated location by the time the tardy bell rings in order to be counted present for the class. In the event these items are being used without permission or inappropriately, they will be confiscated, and the student will be sent to the office for disciplinary action. Chromebooks/laptops used for the delivery of instruction are exempt. However, the school policy concerning use of these devices DOES apply.

  1. Arrive on time. Be seated by the time the tardy bell rings and stay seated. If you are not in your seat and your electronic devices are not in the designated location by the tardy bell, you will be considered tardy. Tardiness will be dealt with according to the school policy. All trips to the restroom should be made between classes. Trips out of the room are limited to 10 per nine week period. Once these trips are used you will not be allowed to leave for any reason. If there is a medical need for more frequent trips to the restroom medical documentation must be provided. A record will be kept of trips out of the classroom. 1 point extra credit will be awarded toward a quiz grade per unused trip.

  1. If you need to speak, have a question, or need to get out of your seat for any reason, please raise your hand. Otherwise you are to remain quiet and, in your seat, or logged on the meet until dismissed by the teacher. 

  1. NO FOOD/DRINK WHILE IN CLASS!!! This includes gum. It is difficult to speak a new language while eating or drinking. If there is a medical reason for needing food or drink during class, please provide documentation. Bottled water is permissible.

  1. NO CHEATING!!! If a student is caught cheating on any assignment, he or she will receive a 0 for the assignment and immediately be referred to the office for disciplinary action. This includes sharing & copying assignments, whether giving the paper to another student, by sharing pictures of the assignment, etc. Cheating also includes using any website that may contain answers to any assigned work or using online translators to form answers. (YES, I CAN TELL WHEN YOU HAVE DONE THIS!) The dictionary provided on Google Classroom and notes provided during class should be enough for you to form an answer on written assignments. These written assignments should adequately prepare you for a test or quiz, along with studying notes.

  1. All other school rules and policies found in the student handbook apply while in class.


I will be using to remind students of assignments, quizzes, tests, etc. Reminders are sent out on a frequent basis. A text enabled phone or e-mail is needed in order to receive these reminders. If the only way to receive these reminders is e-mail, please be sure it is an e-mail that is checked on a daily basis. All contact information will remain confidential. All students are expected to provide this information. This is also a good way to get make-up work and have it ready when you return to school.